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        + 55 21 998007570

        + 55 21 998007570

        + 55 21 998007570


GOE Solutions TradeMark descriptive memorial

The symbol (trademark) presents three (3) figurative elements that constitute the geologist's main working tool; the hammer. Where each hammer represents an area of knowledge: geology, geophysics and petrophysics.

The meeting of the 3 hammer rods symbolizes, at the central point of the figure, the union of these areas. Representing the integration of these tools in the construction of knowledge used in geoscience.

The nominative part of the symbol has the purpose of associating:

1 – The name of the brand itself; Green Oil Energy Solution;

2 – The three letters represent the abbreviation of the name Green Oil Energy Solution - G O E.

The symbol signifies the balance between scientific knowledge, clean energy and sustainable development,

In GESTALT, the petroleum green color, present in all elements of the trademark, symbolizes sustainable development based on the concept of “green oil”. Renewable and Clean Energy, environmentally friendly – New era of sustainable development that the world start living.

Law office responsible for creating the logo and registering it with INPI

        + 55 21 998007570

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