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All mapped and identified opportunities, can be classified as:
Production upsides - Production opportunities inside ring fence (infill drilling)
Exploratory upsides - Exploratories Opportunities inside ring fence following ANP wells classifiction : 4 , 5 or 6.
Due to the characteristics of the business model inherent to subjects related to leads and prospects maps (exploratories opportunities), a sensitive area for any company that operates in the exploration of basins - products classifieds as sensitive, confidential and strategic - that we are not presenting any maps, seismic interpretation or other information related to the opportunities, as identified play in question, the ANP block and its basin sector.
However, we will be fully available to schedule for a in-person presentation to better explain the concept of risk sharing, as well as a presentation about some opportunities.
Bellow, we present our summarized Exploratory Portfolio Excel Spreadsheet.
Reconcavo Basin opportunities areal distribtion map.
spreadsheet containing evaluated exploratories opportunities
spreadsheet containing evaluated exploratories opportunities
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